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Helping You Plan For Retirement Smarter, So You Can Live Retirement Better.

Because retirement can’t wait for perfect market conditions.

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Your Guide For Retirement Incoming Planning

Whether you are planning for a retirement that is 20 years away or confounded at how to turn your savings into a viable retirement income stream, we can help.

We specialize in helping those who are near retirement or already retired answer top retirement income planning questions such as:

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“How do I avoid outliving my money?”

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“How do I get an accurate picture of what my actual income will be in retirement?”

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“What is the best investment mix if retired or close to retiring?”

How We Help

We help you plan for retirement by creating your own “personal pension” for lifetime income in retirement.

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Nearing Retirement

It’s never too early to start retirement planning. The earlier you start, the greater peace of mind you could have. We help you envision what type of retirement you want and then plan for it, so that your dreams have the chance to become reality.

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At Retirement

A retirement that was once in the distant future is here or right around the corner. We help you ask the right questions, spot gaps that may exist in your current plan, and provide a roadmap for both the short-term and long-term so you can live a better retirement.

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How much income can you safely withdraw from your retirement accounts without risking running out of money? That is the million dollar question, and we guide you in discovering your own personal answer.

Book a time to Chat with Us

About Us

We help you manage your finances so that your finances aren’t managing you.

We are retirement planning experts. We provide comprehensive financial planning and investment advice through all stages of retirement. We spend a great deal of time with our clients, learning about their unique situation so that we can develop a customized plan that allows them to take advantage of every opportunity they can during planning for retirement.

How Are We Different?

At [firm name], we are focused on using tax-efficient investment, insurance and planning solutions that support your best interests. We take a collaborative approach to retirement planning, working in conjunction with you instead of for you, so that you always get the best straightforward advice.

Strategic recommendations paired with ongoing education (in language you can actually understand) helps ensure you get the maximum value out of every minute you spend with us because at the end of the day, the more insight you gain, the better equipped you will be to make important financial decisions.

Your Dedicated Team of Professionals

Regina Smith Photo

Regina Smith

Investment Analyst
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Regina Smith Headshot


Regina Smith

Investment Analyst


John Smith Photo

John Smith

Financial Advisor
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John Smith Headshot


John Smith




John works with individuals, families and small businesses to help them understand and work toward their financial goals. Before joining the financial services industry he worked for IBM as an internal consultant for nearly 8 years.


Miami University, B.A. in Business Management

First Job

Bussing tables at Paesano’s Italian Restaurant in Cleveland, OH

Outside of Work…

I love spending time with my wife Samantha and daughters Grace and Rosie. We are a very active family that loves spending time hiking, camping and being outdoors with friends and family. We have recently moved to Denver and are enjoying getting involved in our new community.

Setting a New Standard for Client Service

The cornerstone of our financial planning and retirement income solutions are our 5 Foundational Principles. These five core values are incorporated into everything we do to help ensure that every one of our clients receives the highest level of care and attention.

No problem too small, we are always just a phone call or email away. Our goal first and foremost is to provide you with the peace of mind you need to be confident in the path that lies ahead so every step you take gets you closer to where you want to be.

The Principles That Serve as the Cornerstone of Our Services

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The financial industry is filled with empty promises. Our mission is to change the conversation by not just saying what we’re going to do, but also doing what we say. Similarly, we will hold you accountable to follow our recommendations and implement our strategy so your money and time are never wasted.

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From our financial planning fees to our honest opinions, we are an open book when it comes to your concerns and questions. We take wealth management very seriously; with this responsibility comes a need for complete transparency into who we are, what we believe and how we can best serve your needs.

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Even if you pick the option that we recommend the least, we will always stand by your decisions and values. There is always more than one way to achieve the same goal, and we want to make sure the path you take is what you want, not what we prefer. Your dreams and desires will always be our number one priority.

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Before we dive deep into the details, we want to make sure we foster a mutually beneficial relationship where both sides are confident in the other’s actions and beliefs. Our prior experiences guide everything we do, and we hope that from the very beginning, you’ll feel secure and in smart, capable hands.

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We pride ourselves on telling you what you need to hear — not what you want to hear. This means no sugarcoating. No secrets. And never anything but the absolute truth because you deserve open and honest communication about the causes and implications of your financial decisions.

Schedule a Meeting Today

Getting Started is Easy

We help you manage your finances so that your finances aren’t managing you.

When managing your money, we believe going the extra mile is always worth it in the long run. We’re “Experienced in Finance, but Invested in futures”

Excitement for what the future has in store begins with confidence in your decisions. We’re here to help make sure the steps you take now help get you to where you want to be later.